Rachel Foltz Licensed Massage Therapist
Services Offered
Services Offered
Gift Certificate Orders
Contact Me and Make an Appointment

Relief is waiting for you!

Swedish Massage - This technique uses massage strokes to relieve stress and tension.  This technique promotes general relaxation and is the type of massage most people think of when thinking of massage. 


Therapeutic Massage - This type of massage blends many techniques together where the goal is to restore muscles to a state of well-being.  Often this technique is specific to a particular muscle or group of muscles and is used for conditions such as over-use, injuries, etc.


Hot Stone Massage - Hot, smooth basalt stones are used to provide a warm, moist heat massage. The stones can be used by the therapist as a tool to relieve tension in the muscles and is also a very relaxing experience.   


CranioSacral - The therapist uses a very light touch to evaluate and correct imbalances within the CranioSacral system. This is the only massage treatment I use where the client is fully clothed and may be a good choice for you if you seek relaxation and do not desire to disrobe. For more information visit www.upledger.com.


Pregnancy Massage – Massage during your pregnancy is appropriate for most women.  A special pillow is placed on top of the massage table to provide a comfortable position for the mother to be. The mother can also be massaged side-lying if that is more comfortable. Your comfort is of the utmost importance during this special time in your life.  Ask your doctor if massage is right for you if you have any concerns.


New Service - I am now a Certified Rossiter Coach.  A Rossiter Workout is not a massage but is an intense stretching session.  You have never been stretched like this before, I promise!  The session is 10X a yoga workout.  Ask me if you could benefit from a  Rossiter Workout.  (ps - the answer is "Yes!" for most people).  For more information look it up at www.stepoutofpain.com.

Accepted Forms of Payment

I prefer cash or check payments when possible. 

I can also accept Visa and MasterCard.  

PayPal is acceptable if processed prior to your appointment; please notify me in advance if you plan to use paypal.

Remember - I also offer Gift Certificates, the perfect gift!  I can process Gift Certificate orders over the phone and online.

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Contact me at:

Office Location:
CMC Offices
71 Cavalier Blvd #109
Florence, Ky  41042

I am conveniently located to I71/I75 in Florence, KY.  Close to all the hotels in Florence and the Greater Cincinnati International Airport